Our Difference Defines Us

industri peleburan aluminium

High Quality Products

Our products have gone through a proper and strict test to ensure the products delivered to customers in its finest state.

industri peleburan aluminium

Custom Product to Your Needs

Our products are tailored to customer’s standards in term of the product size, grade and quantity.

industri peleburan aluminium

High Supply Chain

We always ensure that the raw materials quantity are above demand as to excel in our commitment to customers.

industri peleburan aluminium

Large Capacity

We aim to grow bigger by continuously upgrading our machinery to produce in a largerscale.

industri peleburan aluminium

On-time Delivery

We deliver your order on time as promised.

industri peleburan aluminium

Competitive Price

We provide the most competitive price quote.

industri peleburan aluminium

Strategic Location

Our locations are in the arterial road to improve the product delivery.